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TEATRE DE LA COMUNITAT is an artistic collective that works with local groups to generate network and contamination between artistic


expression and social expressions. Our ivestigation focuses on the research of a citizen performativity through  actioning in public spaces


and urban infrastructure interventions. Investigate the individual to talk about communities. Artistic discipline in the service of society.



A revolution is possible today?

Gramsci said: "Every revolution has been preceded by an intense labour of social criticism". We need tools to criticism. Criticism is revolutionary. And performing arts have practiced criticism and have been a revolutionary tool (probably) from the beggining of cultures. The use of live body,  the encounter with other bodies, sharing stories, ideas, imaginations, emotions. The accion, here and now. A community that doesn't practice criticism is not able to become revolutionary.  A revolution is needed. Revolutions


About the idea of COMMUNITY:


We understand COMMUNITY as a singular group that can recognize itself as a community or not. We are interested in groups with shared identity, and we are interested as well in working with communities that are not derived from consensus among their members.



Teatre de la Comunitat


Is the site that happens when people of a community participate in performing arts not as objects, or receiver but as subjects of the artistic fact.


Teatre de la Comunitat proposes artistic processes to particular groups. We work from the singularity of  everyday realities to transform it by criticism that is made with the artistic process. We research about human infrastructure (all the invisible actions that determinate our daily ecology) to create interventions in urban infrastructures  to generate spaces for dialogue between that groups and society.


We use different lenguages: documentary, body language, words. We investigate in movement arts and image creation. We seek the possibilities that can transgress the stories. Imagining what is not assumed.


The outcome of that processes are scenic experiences performed in public space.


We agree the idea that changing infrastructure you can change superstructure, this is why Teatre de la comunitat want to put their scenic tools for visualization, understanding and criticism of infrastructures, to put their two cents in cultural superstructure's change.



Performing arts as a vehicle for transformation.

"Every revolution has been preceded by an intense labour of social criticism"

                                                                         Alfa Gama


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